Hollywood Actress

Hollywood Actress Gossips—Hollywood actress Sarah Jessica Parker’s new flick Sex And the City is being liked by audiences. She surely has reasons to celebrate. After being run on television for 6 seasons the serial Sex and the City, has turned out to be a successful movie. Another serial which is all set to turn into movie is Friends. Friends which marked the stardom of Hollywood actress Jenifer Aniston on big screen will bring back the favorite characters-Jennifer Aniston, Lisa Kudrow, Matthew Perry, Courteney Cox, Matt LeBlanc and David Schwimmer back together. Lets see what these group of friends are up to this time. Hollwood actress Angelina Jolie has given bith to twins. That’s old news. But they are not of same gender. Earlier it was believed that both of the twins are girls. But one is a boy and other girl. Well Brangelina household has kids from all the nationalities these kids are just different from the expectations. According to rumors the names chosen are- Knox Leon and Vivienne Marcheline. These twins are no ordinary twins. Their first photograph was sold to a magazine in US for 11 million dollars. This is what we call born with golden spoon!